
The story of an extraordinary mathematical adventure
2010 Fields Medal, 2013 Peano Prize
In cooperation with the the Subalpina Mathesis Association

GiovedìScienza February the 5th, 2015
The eyes of young French mathematician Cédric Villani are shining with that feverish brightness which those who have found a real challenge in life often display. It’s that demonstration or proof which torments him, as does the solution which escapes him. With his accomplice, Clément Mouhot, they chased the solution for over two years, up until 2010 when he found it. The Fields Medal gave him a place in the Olympus of World Mathematicians and his new theorem was accepted for publication: one hundred pages of a wonderful building erected with the geometry of symbols. This is the story of that adventure.
Villani will talk about a challenge, journeys and sleepless nights, obsessions, rivalries, revenge and inspiration, a mathematical pursuit which will take him to Kyoto and from there to New York, from Princeton to Hyderabad, in a fight against time and competing researchers, He speaks about his teachers Boltzmann, Poincaré e Landau, about how music urged him on, how his family comforted him and of that moment of lucid elation where everything seemed to suddenly fit in together as if by magic.

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